

Welcome to Troop 216!

Troop 216 Troop 216 has been serving the Alamo, Danville and Walnut Creek communities since 1950. We are proud to be the oldest chartered troop in the Meridian District. The troop has consistently earned the Quality Unit Award – Gold Level, each year for leadership, outdoor programs and scout accomplishments.

If you are here to learn about the Troop, feel free to explore the “About 216” sections in the menu on the left. If you are interested in joining the Troop, send us a message using the “Contact Us” menu. Troop members can login to access more information.

All website updates and announcements should be sent to Charles (charlestai2@yahoo.com)  to be included in the weekly eblast.

SCOUT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Community Service Projects on the Calendar!

Posted on Jul 15 2024 - 8:19pm

The troop has two service projects on the calendar; sign up and earn Community Service Hours.   Autos of Alamo Festival Clean Up, Sept. 5th, 8-9:30PM, at the Alamo Plaza.  Yosemite Service Project and Car Camping. Fri, October 18th - Sun, October 20th.  Yosemite Valley, volunteer campground.  This has limited space - Scouts get priority.  Sign up TODAY!

Advance Camp - Early Bird Registration

Posted on Jul 15 2024 - 8:03pm

September 28th at the Solano County Fairgrounds. The troop attends Advance Camp for one day; it provides scouts with an opportunity to work on Trailhead rank advancement requirements, start or complete merit badge requirements begun at another scout event / summer camp and or make contact with a merit badge counselor to work on / complete a merit badge in the future.

SIGN UP on the Troop website and make your Early Bird registration payment TODAY! Early Bird Registration opened on June 1st, and ends on August 12th. In past, popular Eagle merit badges filled up quickly, so it is best to register early.

Troop Families: FRIENDS of SCOUTING Donations Needed!

Posted on Jun 1 2024 - 8:10am

Your FOS (Friends of Scouting) donations are important to funding Scouting programs including summer camps, community service projects, adult training and additional insurance to make many of our amazing outings this troop is known for possible.

Troop Goal:Currently, we've achieved less than 30% of our target participation rate, and every donation brings us closer to 100%.  Any amount you’re able to donate goes a long way.   Please consider requesting a matching donation from your company, many have this in place!

REMINDER: Return Camp Equipment

Posted on May 20 2024 - 7:57pm

PARENTS: To support the many troop outings, the troop (and each family) has invested in high quality camping equipment. Please help the troop keep the camping equipment clean and intact. After each outing, your Scout may come home with a piece of camping equipment that his Patrol used. It is his responsibility to clean, inventory, repack and return the item within the week. If it is a tent, it is especially important to open, air & dry out and then repack. He is to bring items to the next troop meeting, or contact the Troop's scout Quartermaster Weston, so that it can be returned to the troop trailer.

The troop asks for your support in getting this accomplished. Please help your scout remember what he needs to do with the equipment, so the troop can continue providing these items to other scouts. Further details are located on the troop website; far left column, "Returning Troop Equipment".


Posted on Apr 7 2024 - 10:34am

SCOUTS, Now is the time to check your records in Scoutbook  If you don’t have access to Scoutbook, please ask your parents to grant you access.  You can see your BSA ID #, rank, completed merit badges, leadership position, patrol, contact information (parents, address, phone number), to name a few details in your record.  It is good to check this information during your scout journey so that you are familiar with these records (and the records are correct) when you start work towards Eagle.  Questions?  Please reach out to the Advancement Chair.


Posted on Nov 20 2023 - 9:40pm

ALL Adults need to complete their YPT and AB506 Training, and submit their certificates to Committee Chair Charles for upcoming calendar year. If questions, please contact Committee Chair Charles.
YPT Training: https://my.scouting.org/Training
AB506: https://californiascouting.org/training/
Council: Golden Gate Area Council. Troop: 216B

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